Sunday, March 29, 2009
i love fridays.
cause jiawen is having classes next to mine, so i have company during my break too.
i'm also excited about chem and bio lecture. i don't know why.
pw was tutorial instead of lecture today. discussed more ideas. i finally have an idea on what to write for PI.
have to bring instrument home. heavy but compared to others, it's considered not so.
saturday was band at NIE band room. met the section at boonlay and bus-ed there. we were the first to arrive and had to sit outside and feed the mosquitoes. had lunch at 11.30am. went to eat at a less expensive restuarant at the opposite building. it was quite cheap for western food, but i'm not full after eating it. sectionals in a room that has no aircon. everyone is complaining of the heat, but outside is even warmer, so we just stayed inside. it's also stuffy. combined again.
was only released at 4pm. rushed out of the room with mel and rini. we ran and managed to catch the bus. cancelled my piano lesson. train-ed home with mel. slept on the train, but managed to wake up just on time. wow.
signed up for singtel student plan but don't think i will get to use any of the phone. it doesn't really matters, after so long without a phone, i'm used to it already. being uncontactable, missing out on important information, not able to contact someone.
on the way to piano lesson today, my sis kept telling me to seek help for my gp. i definitely will. don't want to get a U next year.
finished some homework. there's more to go.
band practices are increasing. this is terrible.
i shall look forward to class outing on 10april and clique outing on 19april. (:
5:35 pm
Thursday, March 26, 2009
today was some freaking half day that we have.
it's so totally not a half day at all. firstly, it's in the morning. other than being able to wake up a bit later, everything else is the same.
had to reach at 9am for sectionals but i somehow managed to reach at 8.45am even though i wake up late. practiced till 10am, than went for chem lesson till 11am.
the whole day is just like my timetable, without the maths lecture and the morning assembly.
i slept for 45mins during my 3hours break before maths tutorial.
got back first maths assignment. C+.
it's the 3rd subject that i have done badly, together with econs test and gp test which i both failed.
went back phs, intending to collect my testimonial but couldn't after some lame excuses they give. can't they just get ready it and wait for us to collect it?
so listened to the band for a while before i leave.
i'm still surviving. i hope so.
8:54 pm
Sunday, March 22, 2009
last day of holidays. it wasn't really a holiday.
got to wake up late for once yesterday, at 9.30am. the only saturday so far that i don't have band.
slacked quite a lot. but also managed to finish some homework. actually only gp compre and chem tutorial. studied bio. can't seem to remember anything other than the carbonydrates parts. the cells part is totally very difficult to understand because of the way the notes are arranged.
how i long for a textbook.
finished chinese compre except for the summary part which i don't know how to do. don't feel like studying.
there's still econs essay. makes me remember about ss essay, which i so totally hate, except for some chapters.
pw officially starts tomorrow.
that's the beginning of my 4pm days everyday, not including band practices.
this is jc life.
2:30 pm
Friday, March 20, 2009
it's almost the end of the holidays. this is jc life.
had band on mon. band camp from wed to fri, with only thu to fri staying over.
studied on tues. finished some homework, but there's still more to go. packed my notes into files. the bio notes are so thick that it cannot be hole-punched.
wedhad band practice for the whole day till 4pm with 1hour lunch break in between. played celebrations. it can really that my breath away, literally. got into our groups for music quiz. quite fun. had some leadership talk, than it's home sweet home.
packed stuff for overnight stay.
thuhad to reach at 8.30am. had band prac in the morning. played celebrations again. had lunch at 2pm. today's lunch was better than yesterday's.
station games was fun and gross for some. our first station almost make us all puke out our lunch. we had to make a dish out of bread, flour, water, gummy bears, polo sweet, marshmallow, cucumber, tomato. they tricked us that it's for the other team, when we are supposed to eat what we made. we realised it half way but it's too late. the 7-legged race was nice but very confusing.
we had to do forfeit as we got the lowest points, by passing an underwear with a fork in our mouth. it's so gross. but we made the other group do it with only their mouth.
watched 'the choir'. it's in either french or german. a nice movie. dinner was pizza. nice.
exco games was cool. it's like a night hunt, but we have to solve a murder with the clues which was super confusing. after 2 station, our group only left with 5people. 2 went home, 2 was too scared to join. some station was a bit scary, but i generally wasn't that frightened. while walking to stations, i on all the lights on the way to ease our fear. spent 1hour plus piecing up the story and listening to all the different stories. cool.
washed up and tried to sleep at around 12.30 to 1am. slept on tables with our sleeping bags. my butt became numb and it's cold and it's super uncomfortable. everytime when i wake up and want to fall asleep, i will get this uneasy feeling.
friwoke up feeling very tired. washed up, cleared our room. help out with breakfast as i don't need to do PT. it's nice.
had sectionals. was super tired. tried playing with my eyes close for sometimes. combines was terrible. i haven't learnt how to play overture no.2 yet. i always end up playing the 2nd part instead of the 3rd part unknowingly. zzz. almost fell asleep a few times. played celebrations, till i got so tired of the fast part, that i anyhow play the runny notes. my lips bleed, a little. i don't know how. just suddenly found a little blood on my reed. so weird.
got an apple as our prize for coming in last.
slept on the bus home.
i don't feel like studying after the band camp. but there's still so much homework, and i'm tired.
with syf only about 5weeks away, practices are getting more intensed. i don't like the sound of it.
5:04 pm
Sunday, March 15, 2009
had 4endurance outing. i only went for the class dinner though.
it was super last minute, but fortunately, i can go. rushed somehow work, before meeting jessL at bishan mrt, than off to bugis. while waiting for the others to arrive, talked a lot of school stuff. recaped some topics. trying very hard to remember all the biology stuff. we talked for about 30minutes later than realised that they are still at yishun. wasn't really pissed. just continued talking for another 30minutes before they finally arrived.
there was only about 15 of us, mostly guys. it's good to be around with familiar faces!
jaywalked across a street to the steamboat shop. it's the first time i'm eating steamboat outside. it's totally different. ate, talked a little. was mostly eating. around 8pm, half of the people left. the rest of us started telling lame jokes, totally lame. i ate papaya till i was bloated. finally left at 9pm. mrt-ed home, sleeping on the way. managed to wake up in time to get down.
i miss 4ENDURANCE a lot!!!
10:07 pm
Saturday, March 14, 2009
band today.
wasn't feeling really well at the beginning, so didn't play much but i went to the toilet and hide for a while.
i got transfered to 3rd clarinet cause there's a shortage of people. i don't actually mind cause the scores are easier.
the 3rd clarinet celebration score is so nice. so many rests. but i don't like the overture no.2. the fingering isn't nice, and i have to relearn a lot of it, unlike celebrations, which is about the same as 2nd, just lesser notes.
changed instrument. it's easier to play. yay!
the band camp is funded by the school. how nice.
7:27 pm
term1 just ended.
the holiday has started, but there's so much to do and so many activities. band on mon, wed-fri.
econs essay, gp compre, chinese compo and compre, chem tutorial, maths tutorial, bio tutorial.
need to study for chinese and chem test.
i still need to pack my file to prevent it from exploding.
so many things to do, so little time.
i'm 5% dead already.
6:56 pm
Thursday, March 12, 2009
took mrt to school in the morning, cause i saw bernice crossing the road while i'm on the bus. managed to catch up to her at the mrt. not used to taking mrt that's so crowded. waited very long for the bus. so i'm not taking mrt to school anymore.
spent my 3hour break in the library with jiawen. collect a lot of notes from her.
chinese was boring.
went back phs to see my juniors. then found out that the o level cert is ready for collection, so collect it as well. i got back my 10bucks.
i didn't plan to go back, but somehow feel like going back while i'm on the bus and nearing amk. took reeds and polishing cloth.
7:07 pm
Monday, March 09, 2009
it is a very bad thing to start the day with chemistry. actually, the teacher isn't really that bad.
suddenly don't understand what the teacher is talking about. it feels like information overload. maybe it's because 3days didn't come to school, i'm a bit lost. suddenly all the notes just come. can just die.
at least i have good friends to help me keep my notes and let me copy the notes. was a little lost during maths lecture, but got the hang of it soon after.
it rained, and i have lessons in the container classroom, which is not shelthered. ran in the rain. have to run back to the main block because teacher couldn't get there. cold. i really wonder what i'm learning in GP tutorials. gc was crap.
had food comm meeting to discuss the food for the meals so that we can write our proposal. we actually crapped for 1hour. wow.
had sectionals till 6.30pm. i was stoning from 6 to 6.30pm. waited for the bus for so long. about 20mintues. zzz. it was super cold on the bus, cold until my hand went numb. it was just super cold all the way home.
did a simple proposal.
there's bio test tmr, econs test on wed and gp test on fri. this isn't good.
9:01 pm
Sunday, March 08, 2009
mondaythere was black out during maths lecture, but somehow, the visualiser was not affected. so teacher could still carry on teaching as he was using the visualiser. it seems like watching a movie.
the china people came. there's 2 of them in my class. luckily it didn't rain again while we were in the container classroom having gp. there was voting for the class exco. obviously i didn't get the role. i shall try harder to get into cca exco.
had sectionals in the afternoon. i was made to play 1st clar. didn't like it but no choice. the notes are freaking high and a lot of running notes. 2nd and 3rd also have a lot of running notes but lesser and lower range. that's why i chose to play 2nd.
had section dinner. only 5people went out of 7. ate macs at serene centre. everyone ordered fillet-o-fish. took bus to orchard and mrt-ed home.
tuesdaychem practical was crap. found out during bio lecture that i was one of the 3 person chosen to go to imcb from wed to fri. it's so unexpected. it was when i decided that i don't want to go, i was chosen. i didn't want to miss lessons at first. bio lecture as usual was full of crap in the beginning. chem lecture is always better, but i always feel like falling asleep during chem, cause i'm tired and the teacher's voice is very soothing. econs was blahblahblah.
the good thing about going to imcb is that i don't have to hand up my chem practical on wed. just hope that the teacher don't kill me.
wednesdaygot to wake up 1.5hrs later than usual. mrt-ed to bouna vista. took the shuttle bus to proteos building. waited at the entrance. it made me remember of last year. after 30minutes or so of waiting, finally got our entry pass and attended a safety briefing.
went back to the lab for an introduction to the workshop by a guy called ron. there's another guy called ronnie.
practiced using the micropipette than up to the zebrafish facility to collect our zebrafish embryo.
lunch-ed at the foodcourt at matrix building. i love the jelly there.
played some games while waiting for everyone to come back as we didn't have the password to the computer. quite fun, but we have to keep our volume down to prevent complains.
separated the embryos into petri dishes. i was made to do everything as my partner scared that she will destroy the embryos. had to poke the chorion (the shell of the embryo) under the microscope. i killed a few while doing so. add lithium chloride. incubate. wash. incubate.
the fun part was going to the zebrafish facility to separate the male and the female fish. took a long time at it cause there was some that looks neither male nor female when they are actually one of it.
relased at 5pm. tired.
thursdaygot to report there later. so ate macs in the morning and reached there at 8.30am. did some homework. only 1 maths question and started using the computer.
got to remove the chorion of the embryo, it's jsut basically an outer layer surrounding the fish. i killed some in the process. went to watch the fish mate. they are taking very long. slacked from 11am onwards, occasionally looking in the microscope.
left at 4.30pm.
did some homework at night. studied a little.
fridayreached there at 8.30am again. did maths tutorial.
i'm broke after spending a lot of money yesterday on food. have just enough left for lunch. look at the fish. used the computer till it's time to take photos. lunch-ed and back for more computer. it's totally boring except for some time when i went to look under the microscope.
had presentation, which was interesting as we all presented on different things. i presented only a slide.
went back to the lab to kill the fish with bleach. so cruel. we put the fish under the microscope and add bleach to watch it die. we are so inhuman. i just watched while others kill it.
got our photos and a certificate! talked a while with the instructors. than left at 4pm. isn't really that early as compared to last year.
tried doing chemistry tutorial on gases. i don't know how to do even after reading the notes. this is bad.
saturdaywent for band. found out that they thought new topics for chem bio maths. chem and bio is difficult. i'm so going to die.
there's band camp during the march holidays for 3days. i was put in the food committee to help with the ordering of the food. they make j1s do the job. this is so bad.
sundayfound a good caterer from my sis but have to wait for her friend to reply.
watched west side story during piano lesson.
3:08 pm
Sunday, March 01, 2009

photos were taken after the road run yesterday. half of OG24 with some of our OGLs.
went out for lunch with the OG at bukit timah food centre.
didn't want to take 171, so accompanied marcus wikian sk william to the bus stop to take 852. the bus stop is so far. on the way, missed all our buses. the bus panel that state the arriving times of buses is totally not accurate. william accompanied me till my bus came so i don't have to wait alone. cause he can take almost all the bus there to go back to boarding school.
after he alighted, i end up sleeping. so freaking tired. ran + walked 3.6km in the morning. there was so many uphill paths and right shoe lace came out even before the race started. zzz.
i miss OG24.
09SH14 is quite alright. started to know more people already.
3:33 pm