Sunday, December 31, 2006
it's the last day of 2006. in about 12 hours time, it will be 2007. a new year where everything will be different. there's new challenges ahead of us, lots of new things for us to explore and discover. so cherish the moments of 2006 while you can.
wishing everyone a happy new year! have you make you new year resolution yet?
11:06 am
Friday, December 29, 2006
two days since i last surf the internet properly. the internet speed is relatively slow but at least the page still loads unlike two days ago, where the webpage cannot be loaded at all.
i finished my social studies homework already. major accomplishment. i thought i wouldn't even touch it till school reopens. still have a lot of things to settle. need to iron my uniform and sew my skirt buckles, pack my school bag and also camping bag, get the Japan trip pictures from the computer to the laptop so that i can burn it to a CD. there's difficulty doing it as the internet server is down. write postcards to Natsumi and send them before 5th January.
bought new school shoes but i still have to buy the same brand. i bought a different size though, so at least will not make up with Sinyi.
5 more days till school reopens!
12:48 pm
Monday, December 25, 2006
YESTERDAYwent bowling at Orchid Country Club with my relatives. fun. the first 3 games, my points are all less than 40. i'm super lousy at it. the ball keep on going to the sides and i keep on laughing when the ball gets there. funny. LOL.
went for lunch at a restaurant there. nice and full. played another 2 games with my sister. i improved, having a score of at least 50 and the ball went into the sides less than 5 times. took the shuttle bus to Yishun MRT where my dad picked us up. went home and slack. slept awhile too.
didn't go to Orchard Road this year cause of last year's incident. don't think we will ever go there for the next few years to come. watched 'Love Actually' on Channel 5. got gastric pain at 11pm when i'm not hungry at all. ate some food. slept at 12.30am after watching the show. didn't know what it was about cause i can't here what they are saying.
そこのレストランに昼食に行きました。とてもいっぱいの。私の姉妹とのもう2つのゲームをします。iはよくなりました、少なくとも50の得点とボールを持つことは、5回未満の側に入りました。私のおとうさんが我々を迎えに行ったYishun MRTへのシャトルバスをしました。家に帰って、そして、たるみます。眠られたしばらくも。
今年が昨年の事件の引き起こすOrchard通りに、行かなかった。我々がここ数年が来るためにそこに決して行くことを思わない。チャンネル5の上で『Love Actually』見る。私がまったく空腹でない午後11時の胃痛みをする。いくらかの食物を食べた。ショーを見た12.30am後にで眠る。彼らが何を言っていることがiがここでそうすることができない原因について何であるかについて、わかっていなかった。
11:03 am
Friday, December 22, 2006
woke up early in the morning at 6am so that i will be on time. a stupid cockroach just want to scare me by crawling on the cupboard while i'm making bread. luckily i got out of there fast enough to be scared.
was among the few early ones to reach school. left school for Victoria Concert Hall at 8.15am. rehearse on stage. my reed cracked and i have great difficulty blowing. cannot sustain long notes and phrases. i'm like so dead. at first, thought that saliva caused the problem but after i emptied the saliva, the same problem occurred. so i'm officially dead.
went to have lunch at a nearby yet it needs 10 minutes walk for us to reach Macdonalds. i have to help lz and sm buy their food. got 2 free chicken nugget from sharon and we gave away almost all of our 3 packets of fries to other people. then we have to walk 10 minutes back. it's tiring and my feet hurts.
first band to perform. the same thing still happen. just too bad that the starting of every song is slow and long notes. at least we didn't went off pitch at the high notes. watched a free concert after we performed. nice. during the intermission, sharon's brother came over. cute little boy. he asked me i'm primary what? LOL! watched finish the rest of the concert and we are on our way back to school. a tiring day indeed.
went home and saw a letter that i long to receive for 1 month. it finally came and i'm happy. thanks to sharon for lending me the plaster or my left leg would have died.
6:10 pm
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
it's been raining for the whole day for the past few days. it's just terrible. i have to be confined in the house all this while, which sometimes can be good. (:
the rain made me don't want to go for band today. furthermore, i want to sleep and it will be difficult to get to school myself when it's raining so heavily. my parent's didn't bother if i go to school or not since it's school holiday, so it's kind of good though.
wanted to play game to kill my boredom but the internet just won't let me play. stupid thing. that's why I came to blog instead.
15 more days till school reopens!
11:43 am
Monday, December 18, 2006
i'm uploading some pictures taken during the Japan trip. they are taken by my host family and printed out. they printed for me more than 50 photos. they are extremely nice people.
i think my host family celebrate Christmas too.
we went to Aya town on Sunday (12/3). pictures taken at the Aya bridge.
it's the world's number one tourist attraction. cool!
get to wear a kimono when we went to one of their friend's house located at Aya town.
front (above) and back(below).
took turns wearing the kimono.
I'm wearing the kimono (above). Natsumi's wearing the kimono (below).
a family photo. i love the background. (:
we also went to Aya castle to make something.

isn't it nice? it's very expensive. cost about a few thousand yen.
took the last photo of the day.

the last day of my stay at their house and her dad finally learned how to set timer on the digital camera. (:
there's more pictures to come. wait patiently. (:
3:11 pm
Friday, December 15, 2006
i slacked the whole morning. wanted to start doing my holiday homework but didn't know where to start. so i end up not doing anything productive the whole morning. my dad suddenly talk to me in teochew and i don't understand most of what he is saying. so anyhow answer him. once, he asked if i'm naughty but i thought he's asking if i'm embarrased. pang(4) si(1) - pai(2) seh(3). get it?
went to sun plaza. posted my fourth postcard, first in Japanese, to Natsumi. i'm going to send as many postcards as possible to her when the postage is still free and it will be the end of next year that she receives a postcard from me. bought all the stuff i needed and went home. didn't even fulfill the purpose of going there - to borrow books from the library.
receives a letter from the school. it's about the adventure camp. it's going to be held at pulau ubin!!! why there of all places? the packlist is awfully long. there's lots of things to bring there. someone help me!
natsumi replied and say she can't read the email that i wrote in Japanese!!! got to think of other ways. off to reply her email again...
私は、全部の朝たるみました。私の休暇中の宿題をし始めたかったが、どこで始まるべきかについて、わかっていませんでした。それで、私は結局全部の朝生産的な何もしないことになります。私のおとうさんは突然、teochewで私と話をして、そして、私は彼が言っているもののほとんどを理解しない。とてもとにかく、彼に答えてください。かつて、彼は私がいけないかどうか尋ねました、しかし、私は彼が私がきまりが悪いかどうか尋ねていると思いました。pang(4) si(1) - pai(2) seh(3). それを得ます?
広場を日にさらすことを行きました。私の4通目の葉書(最初に、ナツミに、日本語の)を郵送します。郵便料金がまだ無料のとき、私は彼女にできるだけ多くの葉書を送るつもりです、そして、彼女が私から葉書を受け取ることは来年の終わりです。私が必要とした全てのものを買って、そして、家に帰って。そこに行く目的を果たしさえしなかった - 図書館から本を借りること。
学校からの手紙を受けます。それは冒険キャンプのあたりにあります。それはPulau Ubinで持たれそうです!!!なぜ全ての場所のそこです?packlistはとても長いです。そこに持ってくるたくさんのものがあります。誰かは私を助けます!
7:13 pm
Thursday, December 14, 2006
suddenly don't feel like blogging anymore but i just like to do English to Japanese translation. it's just so fun! i got addicted to it ever since natsumi gave me the website.
so now, i have to find things to blog about.
recieved my first Christmas card in ages. in it is a 5 pages long message. i'm just so touched by it. to say that i have forgotten her. i'm such a bad friend. now i'm too lazy to get her a Christmas card. how bad can this friend get? wanted to send a Christmas card to natsumi but i'm just too lazy to go and weigh the card, buy stamps and airmail stickers. it will cost me quite a lot though. my god, what will she say if she ever sees this? i'm going to be so dead.
at least i'll be sending her postcards. (:
5:59 pm
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
this is my first journal in japanese to facilitate my japanese reader. i'm trying my very best and hope everything turn out alright.
band camp wasn't as fun as i had expected it to be. firstly, i was tired as i just reached home at 1am, Singapore time in the morning. the games wasn't fun. we only get all wet and dirty. at least the dinner and the Spongebob Squarepants movie was nice. the treasure hunt wasn't nice as the clues are so hard to guess. only get to sleep at 12am, Singapore time. who wouldn't be tired? a person who has to wake up at 5am, Singapore time the past few days would be tired and that person is me. slept only for six hours on tables.
my whole body is aching after i wake up. didn't get a good night's sleep. had to play netball early in the morning on an empty stomach. breakfast wasn't nice at all. at least there's food so i can't complain. drills was cancelled and we are dismissed early. i'm one lucky kid.
my first email to Natsumi was sent that afternoon. i miss her and her family very much. i miss Japan, Miyazaki and everything there.
私がそれがあると思っていたので、バンドキャンプは楽しみではなくありました。第1に、私がちょうど午前1時(朝のシンガポール時間)に地元に到着したので、私は疲れていました。ゲームは楽しみではありませんでした。我々は湿って汚い全てを得るだけです。少なくとも、夕食とSpongebob Squarepants映画は、素晴らしかったです。手掛かりが推測するのがそれほど難しくて、宝捜しは素晴らしくはありませんでした。午前12時(シンガポール時間)に寝るだけでください。誰が、疲れていませんか?午前5時、ここ数日が疲れているというシンガポール時とその人で起きなければならない人は、私です。テーブルで6時間だけ眠りました。
8:24 pm
my host finally replied my email after 3days. 3days to me is long. i wonder why. i always wanted her to reply my email like instantly or something. i'm such a bad person. isn't considerate enough. people over there still have school, me here holiday, than think people also have holiday. my way of thinking is just so bad.
so she sent me an email. one eighth is in english. the rest in japanese. i was figuring out how am i going to understand what she is writing. remembered that she has a website to translate japanese to english and vice versa. so asked for the website and she replied almost instantly. just so great.
translated the whole email. the first paragraph was such great news. she wants to send a CD to me. oh my gosh. cannot believe it. along the way, the translated english was a bit weird. afraid that the email i written in japanese with the help of the translator would also be as weird as the one i have translated.
will upload the photos taken in japan soon. some of the photos will have to wait till my beloved junior is back from her ever so long holiday.
i'm one happy kid.
7:53 pm
Sunday, December 10, 2006
*continued from previous post*
monday (4/12)had to wake up at 6am[japan time], 5am[singapore time]. it's very early. laid in bed for awhile, while natsumi on-ed the radio and let me listen to some nice japanese songs to wake us up, i think. it was even colder this morning than before. i was shivering very badly, even while wearing long shirt and pants plus a jacket.
breakfast was totally different from the past two days. it was alot for me still.
-hot soup
-cold water
-2 thick slices of egg
-japanese riceball w/seaweed
-japanese green tea
-baked sweet potato [bought the night before]
went to change without being told. it was common sense plus it wasn't early too. packed the remainder of my clothes. cleared the room and off we go for school. one major thing that i didn't do was thanking them. feeling a bit guilty but what can i do. her mum sent us to school and picked up one of natsumi's friend on the way. at least there still the farewell party at night.
had to wait at the room. told of our itinery for the stay in school. had to go to our host's homeroom and introduce myself. i was the only singaporean there. so it's kinda ok. spoke 5sentences of japanese that i was taught during the japanese lesson. the most japanese i spoke during the whole trip. natsumi was very impressed. then went for art lesson at the art room. was separated from our host. do paper cutting of sakura. it turned out quite nice. after that, our host came to pick us up and it was home econs lesson next. my host's class was having home econs then, so went with her. made sweet potato bread or something like that. it was 4ppl to a table and they read the instruction and divide the job among themselves. i also want this. there green tea to go with the bread too. it doesn't look like bread but they call it bread. lolx. went back to the room to watch an anime - 'my neighbour, tottoro'. i was very tired then but still watch it. some of the songs are from 'animation medley', which made me interested in the anime. cute too.
went back to our host homeroom and had lunch with them. it's equivelant to our recess.
lunch is normal. not too much.
-plain rice
-miso soup
-salmon fish w/vegetables
-cold milk [i didn't drink it]
realised that we are going to go soon. we didn't even have lessons with our host. no fun. got my flower board signed by 4ppl. wanted to let natsumi's class sign but didn't. remembered that i have a packet of sweets in my bag when i was on the bus. gave it to natsumi's class. didn't want to bring home another packet of sweets. realised that i eat very little sweets there. went back to our hotel and slack till 5pm[japan time] before we set off for sun phoenix hotel for our farewell party. got a different room from last time and the window view was very horrible. the room just looks so different.
after reaching the other hotel, was desperately finding my host but couldn't find them until dinner started. it's another buffet. had our performance. it was super short. at least it was ok. took a lot more photos. i think the parents couldn't bare to leave me. it was kinda sad, but i didn't cry cause i force myself not to. took a group photo with our hosts. nice. i kept on thinking that they will print the photos they take and give them to me on wednesday at the airport. i don't know why too. only slept at 11.15pm[japan time]. people keep knocking on our door when we are about to sleep. irritating.
tuesday (5/12)had to wake up at 6.30am[japan time], 5.30am[singapore time]. was woken up by the alarm which was a few minutes earlier than the morning. luckily the morning call was machine operated, so it wasn't that scary as last time. woke julia up after i have wash up and changed. she gets to sleep 15mins more. went down for breakfast. it was the same thing as the previous time. buffet too. i was feeling warm as i was wearing 3shirts plus 3pants plus a jacket.
first stop, ebino highland. i was freaking tired so i slept on the ride there. the ride up the mountain wasn't as bad as the ride i had when i went to fraser's hill. there wasn't snow up is still equally cold. went to the shop and bought things. walked around. saw deers. just kept on walking and saw an ice-skating rink. walked back for a group photo. off we go to takachiho farm. had lunch there. the scenery is so nice. the mountains are so beautiful. lunch was bbq-ed beef. had to force myself to eat beef, even though i don't really like them. tasted quite ok. at least we didn't burn as much as our neighbours did. bought more stuff and the ice cream too. super nice and creamy. took a group photo again. every place we go we have to take a group photo.
everyone of us went back on the bus to book our place as mrslai say 'first come first serve'. we didn't one to sit in the middle where it's so uncomfortable. slept on the ride back. went to the 100yen shop near our hotel after that with amanda. bought a little things. even found a little gift for my host. walked back to the hotel. we nearly lost our way. we walked right pass the hotel. asked for directions but didn't help. we walked back ourselves. luckily we didn't go far. went to amanda's room as i didn't have my room key and julia's not in. wrote a little note for natsumi in japanese, with a little english at the end. there was a farewell dinner of a smaller scale, with no speeches thankfully.
went out to the nearby acarde and just nice, the place where my host brought me the first night to buy the snacks. brings back memories. placed some games. found out that my accuracy is very low. went back for a feedback session of some sort. found out that our host was supposed to go with us during the saturday trip. it was due to a miscommunication. how can this type of things happen? argh. got to fill up a feedback form. it will only affect the next batch. wth. only slept at 12mn[japan time].
wednesday (6/12)had to wake up at 6am[japan time]. again, the alarm clock was earlier than the morning call which was good. i woke up at 1++ am wondering if it was time. i'm nuts. changed before waking julia up again. she must thank me lots for being able to sleep longer. talked a little before checking out and going for breakfast. kinda nice though talking to my beloved junior.
breakfast was the same as yesterday. buffet. crap. the luggage truck came late. we are all late. the aeroplane time became earlier, making us all rush. natsumi gave me something which i didn't want to look. i gave her something too. we are all in a rush. managed to wave to her for the last time before i disappear. yeah, disappear from her sight. we all managed to catch the plane back to haneda.
took a coach back to narita, where me and amanda went with anna. went through customs and everything before having lunch at a food court where food is super expensive. ate spaghetti as it's the only thing that we know how to eat. bought ice cream after that too. shop-ed. i bought 1box of chocolate from a tax-free shop. kinda cool. opened the thing that natsumi gave me. it contained pictures. as i've expected. love her lots. there's also a message written in english. was very touched. .
i talked very loudly at the waiting area, and some people sitting in front of us wasn't happy cause they are making annoucements and they wanted to listen, but it's in japanese. can't wait until it's english than listen. haizzz. sat with bridget again. it's ok. just have the responsibility to look after her since i'm older. sat near the window. nice view. slept, while listening to the songs on the sky channel. woke up to dinner, which was as disgusting as breakfast that time. ANA flights serve the worst food i've ever eaten. watched 'devil wears prada' while eating. didn't understand what it was showing plus i was half asleep then. so just slept. woke up shivering. it was cold sitting by the window. bridget was also shivering.
reached singapore at 12mn[singapore time]. i was very tired. was quite happy reaching singapore but also sad to leave japan. collect my luggage and was welcomed by my parents. suddenly feel so hot in singapore and started sweating. the weather contrast is so great.
that's all for my japan trip. pictures will be uploaded soon. (:
4:48 pm
Friday, December 08, 2006
*continued from previous post*
i'm finally at home. home sweet home.
*this post will be extraordinary long. read it only if you are super bored.*
friday (1/12)after going to edo shrine, went to aoshima and had lunch there. the lunch was not nice. there always isn't any spoon, so we either had to use fork or chopsticks to eat the rice, which is so stupid. due to time constrains, we did not went to look at what we are supposed to go there for - look at a blue island.
headed straight to our different schools. i went to hisamine junior high school as my host is studying there. once out of the bus, we are all shivering. our legs are cold as we are only wearing skirts and not pants. went to a room and had speeches. they are always long cause after every sentence, someone has to translate it into english. so it feels like listening to the same speech twice, except for those already in english. had a school tour. walked pass lots of classroom. the students inside are nice. went back to the room and learnt how to make origami. my host was there and she and 2 other people taught our group. did 4. nice. after school was let out, we went to look at some of the after school activities - basketball, volleyball, kanta. and off we go to collect our luggage and wait at a cultural centre nearby for our host family.
my host, natsumi and her dad came to 'collect' me. her dad a sentence of japanese and i stared at him and natsumi translated the sentence asking if i can understand japanese. obviously i said no. her house is very near the cultural centre which is very good. spend less time on travelling. went to her house, thought i have to take out my shoes before i go in, but i can go in and take out my shoes at an area before i wear a slipper provided. the house only has her and her parents, which is kinda good. shared a room with natsumi. wanted to bathe but they ask me to change instead so i followed. gave the gifts i have prepared and they love them. went to the living room, the mum just nice is preparing dinner, so i told her that i don't eat beef, since i heard her mentioning beef and she started asking me if i could eat this and that. she now knows that i don't eat beef and carrots. that is good.
diiner was nice plus a lot of food.
-plain rice
-fish w/cucumber slices
-boiled potato w/vermicelli + onion
-miso soup
-siew mai w/mayonnaise
-japanese green tea
went out after dinner. first to fetch a friend of theirs. one of them happened to have been to singapore before. went to the main street of miyazaki, which is near the hotel where we stayed. they bought me a bag of snacks. next, went to starbucks coffee. i ordered hot white chocolate. it tasted like milk and i'm the last to finish cause it's burning hot. went back home and was asked to bathe. the toilet and the bathroom are separated so it's kind of troublesome. it was freaking cold in the bathroom. i was practically shivering in there, so i bathe as fast as possible. i think about 5mins and went to sit in front of a heater which is used to boil water. watch tv, which i can't understand a single thing but just watch and went to sleep on a futon with my jacket on. had to wake up at 8am[japan time], 7am[singapore time]. her mum ask me if the breakfast she's going to prepare was ok for me. understanding people.
saturday (2/12)woke up at 8.30am[japan time] shivering even though they close the doors and windows and i'm wearing a jacket and the blanket is thick. wash up, with my hand freezing cause of the freezing cold water. can't use the hot water cause they are burning hot.
breakfast was nice plus a lot of food too.
-hot milk
-hot soup, which tasted like corn soup.
-2 small crossaint bun
-egg w/ham + vegetable
changed and went back to the cultural centre to meet the rest of the school. i wore 2shirts plus 2pants plus jacket plus gloves plus muffler and i'm still a little cold. thought natsumi was coming along with me but didn't. went to a museum which is quite boring and then to miyazaki shrine, where we saw a couple getting married. they happily let us take pictures of them and with them. interesting. headed for lunch nearby and it's a buffet. went down to the shop and bought stuff. next, went to another museum, which is as boring as the first one. then back to the cultural centre where we paint a clay horse. pretty. got a piece of paper with photos on it. it was only given to people with their faces in it and i'm one of them. cool.
my host family came to bring my home. ate dinner before i bathe cause i was hungry. i think it was only 4-5pm[japan time], 3-4pm[singapore time]. weird.
dinner wasn't as nice as yesterday's but still edible plus there's a lot too.
-rice with things on it
-miso soup
-fried chicken
-meat w/mayonnaise
-cold noodles w/mayonnaise + cucumber + vegetable + ham
-japanese green tea
bathe and i wash my hair with water. i was shivering again. wanted to soak in the hot bath but the water was too hot for my to stay in there for even 1min. used the computer while natsumi was bathing, with her permission of cause, thus able to blog my previous post. played old maid using poker cards with the family at night. wondering how they communicate with me? speak english to me or use a dictionary and ask me to read the english meaning or speak japanese in such a way that i know what they want to say. i nod or shake my head or smile or talk english with japanese accent or use hand signals to communicate with them. i don't really talk a lot so it doesn't really matter.old maid was way fun than i thought it was going to be. the females there won all the 4-5 rounds we played. her dad didn't win any. it was fun, very fun. slept after that.
sunday (3/12)woke up at 8.20am[japan time] shivering again.
breakfast was the leftovers of yesterday's dinner plus new ones plus there's a lot too.
-hot milk
-hot soup
-2 small crossaint bun w/hot dog
-leftover of fried chicken
-leftover of meat w/mayonnaise
-leftover of cold noodles w/mayonnaise + cucumber + vegetable + ham
changed and went off to aya town. first stop, the aya bridge. it's 250m long and 142m above ground. it was super cold there as the wind was blowing. walked back and forth which is 500m and then took some pictures. wanted to take a combine picture but they didn't know how to set the timer on the camera. next stop, went to shops. they bought souvenirs for me. nice. went out and saw ducks in a pond. so cool. got to feed the ducks and fishes for 10yen, which is not paid by me. simply saying, during my stay with natsumi, i didn't spend a single cent. there's a place where they make glass next door. after making the glass, they sell it at a glass shop next to it. beautiful but very expensive. just went in to look.
next, went to another of their friend's house at aya for lunch. the house is very house and there's even place to grow vegetables outside.
lunch was eaten at home, finally. there's super a lot too.
-japanese nabe
-rice w/nuts
-cold beancurd
-miso soup
-potato w/mayonnaise
-japanese green tea
was asked to wear a kimono after lunch. one of their friends helped me wear it. had to remove one of my shirt and so they know i wore 2shirts. it took super long to wear a kimono and the whole procedure was capture on camera. nice. i had to rely on the photos to see how i look. i look nice. next was natsumi's turn. spent a long time at their house.
went to aya castle next. made something. kinda fun. it is expensive. cost few thousand yen but it's nice. head for home after that. natsumi slept on my shoulder. she's tired. i changed straight away, after i change, than natsumi tell me that they are going out to eat. so i went to change again. they started printing the pictures that they have taken. so nice of them and even put them in a photo album for me. before going out, i wear my jeans over my trackpants. they saw and said it was a good idea. lolx. ate with their friend again at a japanese restaurant.
dinner was a lot too.
-udon w/soup
-rice w/egg + chicken
i didn't finish cause it's just too much. natsumi asked if i was still hungry. i thought they ask if the food i eat was enough, if they need to order somemore. so i said no, then they tell me to stop eating and i replied them 'huh?' LOL. i still continued to eat though. went home. packed my luggage. bathed - the best bath i ever taken in 3days. i shampoo-ed my hair and wash myself clean. i didn't really shiver ask the hot bath next to it was steaming hot, making the whole place warm. they are still printing the pictures when they get home. so much ink is wasted just like this. used the computer while natsumi is bathing. her mum used a hair dryer to dry my hair. nice. got the band camp packlist thanks to lz. took a photo before i'm allowed to sleep. this time using timer. nice.
last night i'm sleeping at their house. will miss the place so very much.
*to be continued*
7:06 pm
Saturday, December 02, 2006
/editedit's 7pm now in japan. using my host's computer to blog while she's bathing.
*their keyboard is different from ours so it takes me a while to type this thing.
wednesday - thursday (29/11 - 30/11)the flight from singapore to tokyo, narita was horrible. it's a midnight flight and i'm only able to sleep for 45mins. the chair is so uncomfortable that's why. the breakfast they serve on the plane was the worst meal i've ever eaten. i end up only eating the bread and drinking the orange juice. the rest they clear away. on the way there, there was turbulence, which makes the planes pressure so weird. it was horrible. i was once practically lifted off my seat a little. reached there at 7am[japan time], 6am[singapore time].
a lot of things happened. went to take a coach from tokyo,narita to tokyo,haneda. experienced the winter cold for the first time. at first it felt like very cold air-con, but after walking in it for 5mins, it gets cold plus we are only wearing our sch-u plus blazer. luckily the bus is warm. they close all the windows. the ride was long long long. reached there still need to wait wait wait before we can check-in.
had lunch at haneda airport. shared sushi with amanda, cause there's alot plus also quite expensive but after we split it was ok. spent our 1hr of free time there sleeping on the chair. the flight there was horrible too. board like hell plus i have to sit next to an old lady. quite ok lah, but the flight was longer cause there was turbulence again, so they have to take a longer route to escape it. luckily the landing was fast. the previous 2 landings took ages. it was already 4pm[japan time] when we landed.
board the bus to the hotel. the bunking was messed up but got switched back. bunked with julia, my beloved junior. the welcome dinner was nice. went back to our room. explored abit. the toilet bowl is way cooler than i expected it to be. opened the window. was amazed by what i saw outside of it. beautiful place there. karmen and yvonne came and they decided that we climb out of the window. did it after the performance rehearsal. took pictures there. it was cold outside. run between yvonne and karmen's room to ours. slept at 12mn[japan time].
friday (1/12)woke up freezing like hell. it was cold even though we on the heater to the maximum. thought it was air-con but end up not. it was cause of the window. got woken up by the morning call at 7am[japan time] 6am[singapore time]. it's freaking early. picked up the call when it rang the 2nd time. heard it said 'ohaiyou gozaimasu' (good morning), than i just put down the phone. changed and went down for breakfast.
the breakfast was nice. it looks more like lunch to me. checked out after that and off we go to do some sight-seeing.
it's sunday now. 9pm here in japan. last time i will update for now. tomorrow staying at hotel already. it was fun today. take care people.
first stop, edo shrine. the ride was long and boring. feel tired as always. saw some beautiful scenery. the devil's washboard - a very nice big, blue ocean with rocks. the ride was long. always very long. that's why anyone who live there must have a car. reach that place. scenery is nice but cold. we are only wearing sch-u plus blazer lah. i wore jacket too but no help. took lots of photos. need julia to send them to me before i can upload them. bought ice-cream on the way out even though it's like so cold there. almost everyone bought. i bought the green tea flavour. tasted very green tea. walked the long way out but it's still ok. went off to the 2nd place. after this.
*to be continued
6:02 pm