Friday, September 29, 2006
As i said...i blogged because some1 requested me to,so...i shall blog!!!
today dun feel like putting up the FRB,and in case any1 forgets wat FRB means...
it means Friends Ranking Board,i thought abt it for awhile and realised that
ranking friends is not really a v gd idea,haiz
Today is friday and we had our 1st EOY paper!
english!!!aww so damn hard for me...but nvm jus do lor
den found out smth,only got 2 passage and 2 comprehension,and that takes 1h40mins?
hw retarded,no offence to any1 who cant complete it within this time but really
its kind of retarded...started doing the paper and the v v v 1st question dunno hw to do le
haiz,so crap thinking that i might fail.But when asked by others i actually said,"ok" haiz crap man,started writing everything to the question,its my habit haha
even wrote the comprehension answers on the question paper only summary dun hav
wrote everything dwn and realised i still had about 1h10mins
if u calculate,i actually used up only 30 mins to do the paper,not including the summary
den copied everything dwn on the answer sheet and wrote the summary,left 50mins.
lend my jacket to eugene so i dun hav the jacket as a pillow
haiz, so sian den began writing lame things on the insert,since i heard that they are not going to take it back
i got a idea from miss kong wenyi when i saw this on her blog:
wenyi:mr brain,call me wenyi
mr brain: wenyi
mr brain:???
can u belive it?i used it to create jokes on my own,wat a gd modifier i am
since i left 50mins...go write similar jokes lor,hahahaha
1st one:
Hacker: Yo yc
Yc: Yo
Hacker: long time no see
Yc: Yeah i agree,its long since i looked into the mirror...
2nd one:
Yc: Scold me,hacker
Hacker: Yc y do u like to play pc games?stop it NOW!!!
Yc: Why are you scolding me?(sob sob)
Hacker: ???
3rd one:
Laming Lamers are Lame
Crapping Crappers are Crap
next 1 is vulgar,scroll dwn if u do not wish to look
Fucking Fuckers Fuck
4th one:
Pen: i use INK!
Pencil: i use LEAD!
Penis: i use SEMEN!!!
Pen+pencil: ... ...
5th and last one,in case u got sick already:
Teacher: Yc!Name 1 difference between Apple and Pear
Yc: They are both fruits!
Teacher: ... ... thats similarity!
Yc: Can you giv me examples?
Teacher: Apple is red,Pear is green
Yc: O! ok, Apple has 2 'p' but Pear only got 1
Teacher: ... ... haiz... ...
lame right?can u believe that i could actually think of such lame jokes during a tense time such as an exam?
and im kinda a genuis cos well i finished writing all these lame jokes...
there is still 5 mins left,if u think use 45 mins to write 6 lame jokes is ok...
let me emphasise that this 45mins includes thinking time and drawing
i did not write them out,i drew them out!!!
8:21 pm
english paper today is so crap.
i crap my way through paper1.
i don't know what to write. slept for a while and got woken up when the teacher started talking and there's 5mins more. there break but there's too many people and too little time. so didn't eat. julialoh is kind enough to share her food with me, so i'm not hungry for a while.
paper2 is ok. i completed all the comprehension questions and was able to do most of them the first time. feel so accomplished. for the first time, i find summary easy. cause we only need to write a summary for the 2nd half of the passage.
after everything, yc passed me his question paper and i saw what he actually was writing during the don't know how many minutes he have extra. didn't know he is also that lame.
i know you care about me
6:02 pm
Thursday, September 28, 2006
this is just so crap.
chinese teacher always complain that we don't have enough time, when she always come late for lessons. i ask her to come early she say no. wth. it's just so crap. lit is equally crap. listen to teacher talk on and on. i hand up my homework which has blanks and teacher return me the paper asking me to complete the blanks. i leave blanks is because i don't know how to do what. so, with ks's help, i managed to write a line each for the blanks. there's free time and i'm bored, so help that guy to copy the maths answers which he made wet. so i ended up thinking up of many reaons why i wanted to help him copy.
the school gave free magnolia milk during recess. i took a lot cause ks wanted extra and didn't want to take it herself. really wondering why is the school spending so much on all this stuff when they are in need of money? such an irony.
english was so crap. had revision during maths. history was like i don't know what. teacher trys to teach but the class is so darm noisy. teacher explain how to do the essay questions and i find it really quite simple if we studied. had surprise maths test which is really another crap test. teacher call is an alternative assessment. what type of crap is that?
tomorrow will be a very crappy day cause it's english paper tomorrow and i haven't start on my art preparation work and i realised that there isn't time the day before. why can't they just have 1subject a day. everything will be so much easier.
i'm very crappy here cause my darm bro just off the com making me have to retype this crappy thing for i don't know what hell he has to do it. come home and just ask me to off. there isn't any logic to this and there always isn't justice anywhere in my house for as long as i have lived. don't need to pity me people. i know no one will.
will be away for quite a very long time unless absolutely necessary.
4:29 pm
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
YOU GIVE ME WINGSsometimes it's hard to be yourselfi know you knowso close to tears wanting to give alli am all alonenow you're hereby my sidei just want you to knowyou give me wings when i'm falling
you lift me up when i'm down
taking me high
touching the sky
yeah you make me flynow i am stronger that i walk beforebecause of youi feel so alive and i'm wanting morei can't believe it's truenow you're hereby my sidedon't ever let me goyou give me wings when i'm fallingyou lift me up when i'm downtaking me hightouching the skyyeah you make me flyooo baby, woo whoa whoayou'll fly away with meyou give me wings when i'm fallingthat's why i say it to youyou give me wings [when i'm falling]
when i'm falling[you lift me up when i'm down]
when i'm down[taking me high]
taking me high[touching the sky]
touching the sky[yeah you make me]
you make me fly[you give me wings when i'm falling]
when i'm falling[you lift me up when i'm down]
when i'm down[taking me high]
taking me high[touching the sky]
touching the sky[yeah you make me]
you make me flyyou give me wings
9:23 pm
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
slacked a lot today. teacher never really teach except for history.
got back science practical test paper. didn't expect to get so high. history. got back test paper. i passed. haha. english was so slack. only help teacher give out all the worksheets and everything. played with water. i accidentally sprayed water on barry. that's like so bad of me. joey then started to squirt water at me for i don't know what and make until the table are all wet, so got scolded by mr chin. lolx. got sprayed by that guy again. i'm like so wet today. sca just nice saw yc spray me and scolded him. lolx. the spraying made ks move away. haizzz.
i'm like so broke today already. there's not a single cent in my wallet.
LYC STILL OWES ME 10BUCKS!!!countdown to end-of-year -
10:07 pm
Monday, September 25, 2006
i woke up late cause i was too tired to hear the alarm clock ring. luckily it didn't rain when i'm on the way to school and i didn't miss that train or i wonder what i will end up doing. it brings me to a quite bad mood.
pe was ok. it made me feel better. played dodgeball and poison ball. it got out whole class together. such an amazing thing to do. music teacher didn't come and the relief teacher says that he might not be coming back and he's going to give us a theory test next week. at least it's better than a practical one. haha. then he let us watch a video about prison. wonder what he's showing us that for but it's kinda alright. tells us never get into prison and never to trust anyone when they say they will wait for you cause they never will [maybe some will].
got my evaluation printed and maths test is postponed to wednesday. darm. got back our english test paper. it was ok i got the same marks as the previous test. haha. i got sprayed wet with water got a squirk water with yc's nike waterbottle at him. so he start spraying water at me to take revenge and make until my table is all wet. the person that is using my table is so poor thing. needa wipe it all dry cause i can't be bothered. the spraying got worst during chinese lesson. spray until the front of my skirt got wet and the front of my shirt got wet too. same guy. take revenge until like that. haizzz. just because i accidentally sprayed a little water on his head unknowingly. he sprayed cold water. darm. my pe-t is also wet cause i use it for defence but it didn't work lah. like obviously. my pe-t is not waterproof loh.
went for home econs. only 6people came on time. teacher told us the page that we needa learn and we are off. lolx. so went home with ks. i almost got knocked down by a car cause i blindly follow some people to cross the road when the traffic light is still red. luckily ks pulled me back and the car is not speeding. lolx. my brain went sot already. haha.
countdown to end-of-year -
4:22 pm
Saturday, September 23, 2006
another week has pass and next friday is the start of our end-of-year examinations.
i woke up at 10am. that's to make up the lost of sleep in the past few days but i'm forever tired. HELP ME!!!
i did my coursework in the morning without using the internet. accomplishment. cause the internet just have something wrong and i don't want to waste time shutting down and oning again. at least there's music and i have finished my evaluation. (: will get it printed on monday so i can hand it up.
a few moments ago, ws called me to pass a message from yongshan to remind me to bring extra candles and a lighter. i was totally shocked cause i have long forgotten about it since we don't have band this week. and i have to reach at 3 to do a card for tingyu samantha debbie hoon.
just hope that everything goes fine and i'm able to get my candles.
countdown to end-of-year -
1:41 pm
i went out at 2pm. walked the whole of sunplaza and into every shop which i think might sell candles but none sell them. went for band. told yongshan about it. she didn't scold and didn't seems to care. i'm lucky. haha. i carried tableS up to the hall. tiring and my hands are darm pain about carrying them. then slacked in the bandroom.
helped out in the hall. lighted the candles on the table. slacked a little. we started like
1hr late. ate at 8pm. didn't really take much food but was enough to feel my stomach. i went the 2nd time and everything was finished except the prawns. even the drinks were finished. everything is like finish so fast. want to eat more also can't. makes me feel cheated of money. i paid
1obucks. tingyu gave our whole section a note and a bar of herseys chocolate. she's so darm nice.
had combined performance. group 2,3,4 together. lolx. we sang together. at least a nice experience. group5 was nice. they did the coke and mentos experiment which i have seen on youtube but they us polo mint instead. they cut a hole on the cap and the coke just shoot right up. it's like so darm cool but they have to clean up the mess. then took photos. will try to find the pics and upload them. samantha didn't come or else our section photo will be complete. ate the chocolate cake. i have to admit that it's nice even though i don't really like them. have to clean up after everything. needa scrap all the wax off the tables and floor. cause off some stupid idea by some people to poor the wax on the floor so that the candle will be brighter or so that we will be able to light it. mrs lai ask elias and jacob to make themselves useful for once. so they went to clean the floor and jacob started saying funny things. he asked mrs lai to be like the japanese and they are the POWs. this is so darm retarded. -_- didn't know what they say until mrs lai can end up laughing like don't know what.
letf school at 10.50pm. reached home at 11.35pm. by then, my chocolate has already melt until it's soft. poor thing. let it rest in the fridge to harden before i eat it tomorrow.
read the note that tingyu wrote to me. she even knows that i'm in hpt!!! i was shocked when i see it cause i didn't tell her and yet she knows.
she is/have a private investigator. i didn't tell her when is my birthday the other time and yet she knows and gave me a present.
12:00 am
Friday, September 22, 2006
ks called twice early in the morning. the 2nd was 1minute before i wake up. -_-
went straight to the home econs room when i reach school and there's already quite a number of people. went up during reading period to start cooking. so i cooked. turned out quite ok but it was rather bland. so add soy sauce so i can eat. i didn't know which is the dish cloth and which is the tea towel and what was used to clean what. so i anyhow use until i heard teacher say. cause of the lack of practical that's why. than helped teacher to pack agar-agar. we ask teacher if we can buy it and teacher say can. we some of us bought and when it left the room, there's only 5packets of agar-agar left. lolx. teacher also baked muffin. me shermin tiffany stayed back to help teacher to bake muffins. teacher cut apples darm fast and pro lah. ask me to cut i take don't know how long. teacher withing 5mins cut finish the apples already. we kept on baking more muffins cause they get sold out fast. it was really fun. seldom see teacher so nice before. and today seems to be our last practical ever unless u take it next year.
had science at the computer lab and ms chua finally came after 2days. had revision. shermin scared me by saying 'BOO!~' and i screamed only a few seconds after.
I'M SO SLOW!english. asked to do journal about sec2 life. i started to remember what happened on the first day of school, yc and ks were amazed by what i know so yc ask me if i can remember what happened on the first day of school last year and i said everything out too. ks joined in and he call us both elephants. because of all the talking and me not being able to think of what to write, i handed up half a page of crap last minute. assembly was kinda crap. listen to principal talk and talk. boring like hell lah but still listened.
went back to class and ate my chicken rice cause i only have 20cents - as pathetic as the guy in front of me and
he still owe me 15bucks. had history test on source-based questions. it was sucky. after looking at the 1st source, i stared into space, look again, stared, looked at the questions, looked at the source and it continues for about 10mins before i wrote something on my paper. i did the same for the next 4 questions and the maximum i wrote for each question is 4lines. which means i only wrote 17lines of the pages which is about 3/4. i saw ks's paper but all that i thought that she's writing are all NOT CORRECT!!! that's why i'm going to be so dead.
studied chinese and am doing my coursework evaluation now. teacher is nice enough to let us hand in on monday so i don't have to spend time thinking during lesson time.
countdown to end-of year -
8:34 pm
Thursday, September 21, 2006
the day started off really bad.
woke up from a really bad dream. wished that it will never come true. if it does, i'm dead.
something happened in the morning and one by one the girls started to cry. didn't bother to know why. got scolded by wenyi for helping to carry the bag of those who went to the toilet
to cry. lucky they came back just in time. got chinese oral in class. it wasn't really good. when teacher ask me the conversation question, i stare at teacher and keep on shaking my head cause i don't know how to say it in chinese. i still got quite high marks. got surprise lit class test. the fire drill bell rangand lit class test was distrubbed. was told to do the test at home and hand up tomorrow. stayed back during recess and sang national anthem again. we only did it once.
started moodswinging after recess. i threw julialoh's bag and books on the floor. was showing a little attitude but i know that i cannot stay like that for long with that guy in front of me. a relief teacher came during maths and he is super funny. he allow raymond to continue to read a
porn comic. everything was super funny then. history was as usual. then maths again.
ate lunch and went to finish up my art. i just so love it. first time i paint until so nice. took 2hrs to complete. lolx. such a waste of time but who cares?
studied 2chapters of chinese and took
1hour to pack the ingredients for tomorrow's home econs practical exam. i'm super slow. =/
countdown to end-of-year -
10:18 pm
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I LOVE TODAY!!!needed to stay back during recess. was told that ms chua and ms yoges didn't come. maths and science test postponed. we had 5 periods of art. we got our art exam paper. we stayed back during recess to sing the national anthem. free fruit was given during recess. teacher say i can become an art teacher. i finished my coursework.
my post today is different. it's
countdown to end-of-year -
7:45 pm
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
i finally started to continue finishing up my home econs coursework but i still have 1 more part to complete before tomorrow so i can get it printed by thursday. it's complicated. at least i finished up some parts or i'll have to rush everything tomorrow.
there's maths and science tests tomorrow. hope i don't screw up my maths like last time and nearly failed. science is on chapter 6&7. don't know if i can do well or not cause i'm not good at chap7. all the diseases and stuff are hard to remember.
home econs practical exam is this friday and there's also history test on that day after school. SBQ just sucks unless i do well in this test than i will change my mindset a little. haha.
You Are Pretty Logical |
You're a bit of a wizard when it comes to logicWhile you don't have perfect logic, you logic is pretty darn goodKeep at it - you've got a lot of natural talent in this area! |
Your Life Is Worth... |
$1,166,500 |
countdown to end-of-year -
9:50 pm
1. Full name: Yang Huijie Dew
2. Name backwards: weD eijiuH gnaY
3. Meaning of the name: no idea but it's unique. (:
4. Nickname: honeydew
5. Status: Single.
6. D.O.B: 5th July 1992.
7. Place of birth: Singapore.
8. Nationality: Singaporean
9. Current location: Ang Mo Kio Ave 6, Yio Chu Kang.
10. Star sign: Cancer.
11. Religion: Free-thinker
12. Height: 155cm-160cm.
13. Weight: not telling =p
14. Shoe size: 4-5.
15. Hair colour: Black I think
16. Eye colour: Black
17. Who do you think u look like: people say i look like my dad.
18. Innie or outtie: Outtie. i don't really know what that means. :X
19. Lefty of righty: Righty. i wish i was both-handed :X
20. Gay,straight,bi or others: STRAAIIGHT please.
21. Best friends: sunran wengsun kaishi yancheng justina
22. Best friends u trust most: : All of the above mentioned. :D
23. Favourite pals: All of the above mentioned. :D
24. Best friend of opposite sex: yancheng
25. Best buddies: All of the above mentioned above. :D
26. Boyfriend of girlfriend: girlfriend
27. Crush: maybe
28. Parents: i have them both.
29. Worst enemy: i don't really know. maybe barry tay gan wei. =X
30. Favourite online guy: yancheng
31. Favourite online gal: it depends
32. Craziest fren: me and kaishi
33. Advice fren: wengsun kaishi
34. Loudest friend: i'm the loudest. =/
35. Person u cry with: i hope there's someone.
36. Any sisters: yep. 1
37. Any brother: yep. 1
38. Any pets: yep. some fishes which i don't care about.
39. Any disease: nope.
40. Pager: nope
41. Personal phone line: what's that?
42. Phone: i don't have hp cause i don't want them. =/
43. Lava lamp: nope
44. Pool or hot tube: what's hot tube?
45. A car: i want to get one
46. Your personality: I DON'T KNOW!!!
47. Driving: i want to learn how to drive.
48. Room: no own room. only have a bedroom that's shared.
49. What's missing: i wouldn't know.
50. School: Presbyterian High.
51. Bed: just a normal bed.
52. Relationship wif parents: i wouldn't know.
53. Believe in urself: yep.
54. Believe in love at first sight: a little.
55. Good listener: i'm a good talker.
56. Get along well wif parents: don't think so.
57. Save email conversations: yep.
58. Pray: nope
59. Believe in reincarnation: yep
60. Make fun of ppl: i'm not that bad but i'm guilty of making fun of barry tay. =X
61. Like to talk on the phone: depends on who is the person.
62. Want to get married: yep.
63. Like to drive: i wouldn't know.
64. Motion sickness: what is this?
65. Eat stem of broccoli: yep.
66. Eat KFC chicken wif fork: if they provide forks, i would try.
67. Dream in colour: i want that. dream are so plain in black and white.
68. Type wif ur fingers on home role: what the heck is this???
69. Sleep wif stuff animals: i don't have any stuff animals to sleep with.
70. Next to you: is a pile of paper.
71. On the walls of your room: I DON'T HAVE MY OWN ROOM!!!
72. On your mousepad: there isn't a mousepad on a laptop.
73. Dream car: i want it pink.
74. Dream date: out for a meal together.
75. Dream honeymoon spot: places that are dimly lit. the ambience is very good.
76. Dream husband n wife: erm... isn't it a bit too far to think of?
77. Bedtime: 9pm-11pm
78. Under your bed: my bed is on the floor.
79. Single most important question: ?????
80. Bad time of the day: when i'm moodswinging
81. Your worst fear: cockroach
82. The weather is: sunny and a little breezy.
83. Time:
84. Date: 19092006
85. Best trick did on someone: i wouldn't know.
86. Theme song: what's that?
87. Hardest thing abt growing up: relationships
88. Funniest experience: playing 'lao(3) ying(1) zhua(1) xiao(3) ji(1)' during pe lesson.
89. Scariest experience: can't recall.
90. Silliest thing u have ever said:
anyone want to change with me? that is really stupid.
91. Most desperate and funniest thing u have ever done to an opposite sex: like?
92. Scariest thing when you are with your friends: can't recall any.
93. Worst feeling: hearing bad news which makes you disappointed.
94. Best feeling in the world: To love &being loved:D
countdown to end-of-year -
5:17 pm
Monday, September 18, 2006
teacher taught us how to play soccer during pe this time. didn't really want to play. then teacher let ask us to play 'eagle catch chick'. we end up laughing and laughing until our stomach hurts. played a little soccer, the girls scream everytime they get hold of a ball. so when the ball went into the guy's court, they run after the ball and scream into the guys ears. lolx.
finally went into the music room after 3weeks of being stuck outside with or without a teacher. we stayed in maths class during recess and teacher was there. so i explained to teacher why the guys are all in class. lolx. talked with teacher. i was being quite stupid too. english was funny. got locked outside the class cause i went to the toilet. casey was kind enough to tell teacher i went to the toilet and opened the door for me. then yc started shooting rubberband and it always end up hitting ks even though he aimed straight. poor girl. we got some stupid spelling during chinese and teacher was saying that the words might come out in the exams. i think so too. teacher wouldn't want us to fail right? released at 1.30pm cause we have science practical exam.
science practical exam is really weird and funny and stupid. they ask us to feel the texture of the carrot and i end up touching it while i do finish the whole question. the back part was really sucky. must do test and find out the nature of the solutions. 1 of the solution they already tell us the ans but i didn't read and so i didn't know until greg told me. i'm like so stupid.
i know my sets already. there's english test tomorrow and maths test on wednesday. i will score well. =)
countdown to end-of-year -
5:43 pm
Sunday, September 17, 2006
woke up later than most sundays. went for piano lesson and was early as always. after the lesson had to go home myself. haizzz. have to walk home.
lunch was not really nice but who cares. slack and did finish the english composition, writing exactly 300words of total crap. they don't even link to each other. some crap composition that i'm writing cause i really don't feel like writing it. read finish my storybook and realised that one of them is overdue. it was dued yesterday but i forgot to return it so have to pay fine. slept awhile and woke up really hungry, so ate biscuits.
went out for dinner and it rained so heavily that my pants got wet and i got knocked by the car door on my cheek. darm. the rain is such a spoiler. went to sakura @ safra tampines for the 2nd time this year and the 3rd time in total. the food are pretty much the same. i tried eating ugani and realised i hate it. beef too. tried to force myself to eat the whole beef satay, but the taste is just too strong, threw the rest away. i also ate rum and raisin ice-cream even though i know that rum is something like beer. it's gross cause it taste like beer. i'm like so stupid lah. haizzz. ate really a lot and am feeling so full and tired.
think a little and realised that the same time last year, i was busy doing my coursework and was going to complete it but now, i'm still stuck there and there's until friday for my submission of the coursework. realised that i've changed a lot since 1year. my attitude towards work have changed a lot. darm. my exams will really suffer. i have only myself to blame.
countdown to end-of-year exams -
10:17 pm
Saturday, September 16, 2006
many people was late today because the clock in the bandroom was fast. -_-
was told what we are going to be tested on next wednesday. nothing really difficult. got new score. 'escape into the light'. the score is really retarded. all the tempo marks are so weirdly written. there's even the composer's signature at the end of the score. -_-
had sectionals and practice. so the actual tempo is faster than what we practice during sectionals, so we are so lost during combines. especially with the frequent change of key signature that we lose count if it's 3/4 or 4/4. so confusing.
it ended at 1.30pm plus all the admin stuff ended at 2pm. guiyu asked who don't eat chocolate cake and i raised my hand don't know how fast. i'm like so retarded today. but only i raise my hand so think they are still going to buy chocolate cake. i don't really like anything that's chocolate.
did finish my english comprehension and summary writing. still have composition, 2more pages of home econs wkbk and my coursework which i think is due this friday. i don't really feel like doing it. what's so wrong with me this few days. don't feel like doing any homework or studying.
i'm so retarded. =/
4:35 pm
Friday, September 15, 2006
As always, i would start the post off wif the famous FRB...
And im thinking whether i should jus put this post as friday or the whole week...
but nvm.
here comes the FRB
1:Chang Zhi Kai(Best buddy+dota friend+Soccer friend+Finger Guessing friend)
2:Yang Hui Jie(Same Reason as the last few times)
3:Raymond Wong(Buddy+Soccer Friend+Finger Guessing Friend)
4:Ang Kang Wei(Buddy+Dota Friend+chairman)
5:Chung Si Yang(Choir friend+future buddy)
6:Kenneth Kor(Choir Friend)
7:Tay Gan Wei(omg but nvm i still put him here mayb reason i put GAY)
8:Chin Shin Wea(FORM TEACHER)hahahahhahahahhahaha
9:Lim Ming Yan(Dota Friend)
10:Ko Ming Jie(Classmate)
Female:Song Ji Yeon and Grace Huan(i hate people who nag even for awhile)and they only nag for awhile
Male:Lim Ming Chuen(I will state the reason later if i dun forget)
Ok i think i better start wif only friday or not later u all hav to spend 20minutes reading this post.
Started the day wif DnT and our dear teacher told us off for everything that we do.
felt so sad...Recess came and we all thought of playing soccer and realised 1 thing...
The ball is already confisacted by miss yogeswari...
again felt so sad...
When for science and realised ms chua is not going to bring us to the computer lab...
and she revised the chemical formulas...haiz...felt so sad again
funny that today we nv play HAI DAI cos the 2 lesson that we play in, friday dun hav
which is chinese and maths...we so bad teacher teaching we dwn there HAI DAI ARH HAI DAI...
im seriously the born loser in HAI DAI so dun come find me if u wan to play it
during eng class nid to do english compo and summary(cos i nv hand up the last time the summary)
i so damn pro finish them both by 1hour hahaha
call me the great 1 lol
After eng lesson due to the assembly thst has been cancelled,
we hav a home period and ming chuen started to paly wif my 'underwear'
pencilbox and everyhting on my table.made me so damn angry...espically when he didnt stop it when i say STOP
Went to hav 'a little violence' and mr chin saw that and den punish me and him lor
do 'sch service' putting up signs on different part of the school.
den ming chuen 'BRIBED' mr chin and he let him go off.
the best thing is he 'bribed' mr chin wif $30
haiz money makes the world go round.
as Song Ji Yeon and Grace Huan also suffered the punishment...
there were there nagging on hw unfair it is that ming chuen could actually do that and get away wif the punishments AND nag AND nag for 30secs(i think)
end up mr lim havent print them and then we got to go off(without the punishment)
stupid right?
all the actions starts when choir started...HAHAHAHA
went for sectionals and went to 'play' wif the air-con wif kenneth
cos when we go into the seminar room(where we do our sectionals)
it is v hot, and i turned the meter to 18degrees and kenneth say that it would 'BLOW'
i said putting at 18degrees will only make it 'BOOM' not blow,
any degree the air con will also blow,it is suppose to BLOW out cold air...
tease him for the whole sectional wif these and added si yang to enjoy my teasing of him(i so bad)
den the sectional leader dunno hw to play the keyboard the best person who knows how to play it is at the temasek poly SO barry was kinda SABOTAGED by say...ME to go up and play the keyboard instead
and den i told siyang that he(barry) could not last 10 secs.
when barry started to play...all the notes all dunno go where den 10 secs dwn liao
den the second time he went up himself without being told(i think)
and i said to siyang:when he starts playing he with be off the stage in 20 secs which is TRUE AGAIN..
so stupid.den when we are about to end our sectionals, we went to play wif the air con AGAIN den
damn suay got 1 PA teacher(i think)
walked bo...and come in scold us.
say wat the sectional leader nv tuck in shirt(bad example)
den ask us if we knew hw the air con worked...
of cos i dunno lah den he tells us and said why we cannot on and off and on and off...
when we didnt we were jus turning the degrees up and down and up and down...
and he said before he left that he didnt accuse us...arghhh wadever
---------------until here i start to realise 1 thing, my post of friday ONLY is so damn long-----------------
after choir we borrowed a kinda play soccer
but it was a basketball...and we were playing in the basketball court...
so we decided that we should play basketball instead...
when we all are noobs basketball is actually quite fun..
haha...saw the npcc people doing their promo test..hope zk can pass...
ok tuedays got XTRA choir practice cos nid to practice for farewell party aiyo so sad must say farewell to the sec4......
i think i would end here lah later u all puke arh like reading compo like that hahaha
10:55 pm
ONEweek just flew by. 2more weeks to the start of our first paper and i haven't really started revising. my coursework is still not complete yet. science practical exam is next monday!!!
left class at 12pm for lunch. ate and set off for temask polytechnic. on the bus then i realised that i brought a mp3 with batteries that have gone flat. in other words, i can't listen to the mp3. the campus is big. went in and there;s computers so people went to use it. saw on the homepage that
HADY MIRZA is coming today at 2.45pm. didn't get to see him cause we weren't at the place where they came.
listen to a powerpoint presentation then went to the lab and did some hands-on activities. we need to scrap our own cheek cells and view them under the microscope. we took a really long time and ms chua is saying that the microscope in our school's lab is lousier than theirs but can see the cheek cells. lolx. then did an experiment using enzymes. i predicted correctly that the applesauce they use is used to make apple juice. so they say that ours is successful but our results is a little wrong but we made it right. haha. asked to do survey. saw a question and my answer is 'don't know' so i them why only have 'yes' and 'no' don't have 'don't know'. lolx. i'm being so stupid.
slept on the way back. tired. will be eating my dad's chicken rice which i will be cooking for home econs practical. really hope it turns out well.
6:39 pm
Thursday, September 14, 2006
feeling disappointed is such a bad feeling. really wonder why i always get it. make me feel so excited about it and then the next day i have to feel disappointed. i don't want to feel hard on her that's why it seems like i don't bother but i do.
teacher is saying that we are behind time yet she don't want to come early so that we can go back to class and learn more. if she wants us to breathe the fresh air, why don't suggest to the principal to have lessons in the parade square instead of the classrooms?
I WON'T STAY IN THE CLASSROOM DURING RECESS ANYMORE!!! i will bring my biscuit to the canteen and eat with ws and sherri and anyone that's there. i just don't one to be stuck with that person.
i really don't know what has happened to me today, cause i'm against anyone who is against julialoh. than i started moodswinging during maths. suddenly feel all moody while i read the notes on SETS and ms yoges i think was also pissed in somehow cause our class is so noisy. history was ok. learned about source-based questions. i'm starting to understand a little on sets already. it rained and i had my umbrella. good for me but my shoes and socks and a little of my skirt still got wet cause of the angle of the rain.
it doesn't pay to be good. people will just start asking you all sorts of questions. it's good sometimes but when people start asking you about every single thing it starts to get irritating. not say that i don't want to help or what. i just don't like it that's all. Haizzz
7:10 pm
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
art was nice. at least i painted something and got my fingers all dirty and my tie got a little bit of blue paint. the weirdest thing is that, i didn't touch any orange paint and my finger is orange.
me and yc don't have to collect the money for the class magazine anymore since teacher put those who haven't paid a single cent to be in charge. the songs for chapel today is so short even though we sing twice. stayed in class during recess. ate in class while some guy is disturbing me. need to save money cause i spent too much already.
maths was utterly confusing. teacher taught 'sets notation' and we were all so confused. maybe some. at least i know a little when teacher gave an example but before that i don't know what the hell she is talking about. went to computer lab for science lesson again and did on chapter7. cf was totaly crap. i usually slack during cf period. was too noisy and had to go to the parade square. amazingly, for the few minutes i'm there, i didn't pespire at all. first time this is happening to me. body is going crazy.
band was ok. tried using the 3 and 1/2 reed to play. hold 1 bar my head feels like bursting. so i change back to 3. had sectionals. after a while, sinyi came and took julia. then joseph can't then took me and lz and the 2nds joined in. messed up a little. played finish the whole song, he say that i and lz have very good teamwork [hen(2) you(3) mo(4) qi(4)]. then sinyi came and asked me and lz to play again. we didn't play well this time cause she didn't clap timing for us but joseph did so say we don't have [mo(4) qi(4)]. haizzz.
took me so long to type finish this darm post and it's 10plus now. oh man. off to bed.
9:44 pm
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
we are unlucky to get an english teacher as our pw teacher cause after pw is over, she let us do english worksheet which is some kind like a comprehension but easier to do.
science was at the computer lab again. at least i learned new things. history after recess. teacher let me ks joey kenneth to see her laptop cause the screen is too far for us to see. english. teacher taught us all the grammar one shot than ask us to do all the grammar in the workbook. crazy lah. i ended up copying a little. lolx. chinese was way stupid. no one bothered to listen to teacher. we were asked to help find a key which denise threw and hit the fan and don't know go where. don't know if the key is found or not. we also pissed teacher off by telling her that the whole class can't stay back today for oral cause we got lit and it's the truth.
went for lit. not all of our turned up but at least the number is not so pathetic. the temperature of the air-con was set at 18degreeC by me and ks is freezing cold while i was not. that's kinda stupid though. released at 5.10pm and saw the hpt people in the canteen. winnie mdm still remember me. that's good. =)
5:43 pm
Monday, September 11, 2006
woke up quite early, go out early, so reach mrt early. was on the escalator when i saw a guy. he didn't look familiar, until i reach the platform then i now that the guy is yc. i'm stupid. =X
assembly. listen to mrs tan talk so much stuff about 9/11. than she pray also so darm long. wth. no reading period cause there's no newspaper.
was taught how to play basketball during pe. i actually played it even though my arms are still a little pain. tried shooting the ball into the net and managed to only get 3 in after i throw so many times. the music teacher didn't come again. make us stay outside the musicroom for 1period and the relief teacher didn't have the key. -_-
got back our maths test paper. i got record low.
teacher shouldn't be so lenient. at least let me fail my first maths test. teacher gave us free time so watched to guys play hand games which are really funny. was asked to do work during english but i did only 5questions and started talking and talking and asking stupid questions, making me never did anymore work. at least i had a really nice laugh and the people around me too. had to stay back for oral today since teacher didn't want to let us take it tomorrow during lesson time. chinese was so slack. it's like almost every lesson, teacher only teach a little or never teach. than teacher still complain we are the slowest class. wth.
oral was ok and a little funny. there's this girl in the picture that is wearing a hat. then mr chin ask me why the girl is wearing the hat and i say 'the girl has cancer that's why she is wearing a hat'. i'm being really stupid cause i know that the girl has hair but i really don't know what to say. in the end, i say that it's cause of fashion. haha.
5:12 pm
Sunday, September 10, 2006
i'm now suffering from side effects after yesterday's 'amazing race'.
it all started yesterday night when my right arm suddenly cramp. then just a few moments before i sleep, my left arm also cramp. so i have a really hard time sleeping. a slight movement of my arm and it hurts, especially my left arm.
so woke up cause i can't sleep, i don't want to sleep cause my arms are giving me too much trouble and i have to wake up so that i can be in time for my piano lesson. i have difficulty even brushing my teeth and doing simple stuff like changing and picking up stuff like newspaper.
told my dad about it and he say that he can do nothing and i just cried. thought he could at least help me put medicated oil or something. realised that it's yesterday's rock wall climbing that cause cramps on my arms and an aching back.
at least i'm able to still play the piano and survive the whole duration. had to go back on my own and the bad thing is it's raining heavily at that time so have to wait for the buses to come.
cramp is a sudden contraction of muscles. =)
1:56 pm
these are the pictures i taken during yesterday's 'amazing race'.

we were made to climb this rock wall at AJC as one of our task.

the playground at west coast.
at least it's better then east coast. didn't get to climb it. :(

people trying to piece the puzzles together but to no avail.
we need to fix 16 different puzzles in total!

we took a group photo to mark the end of the amazing race but not everyone was there cause some left early. i look terribly ugly in group photos i don't know why.
that's all enjoy! =)
1:37 pm
Saturday, September 09, 2006
it's a tiring but fun day.
woke up at 5.50am. after the alarm sounded i was so blur that i didn't know it sounded. i packed my bag only in the morning and i didn't pack it cause i cannot find a notebook. stupid me. dad sent me to mrt station. nice. met ks on the platform. thought she took same train as me but didn't.
fall in. took attendance. people haven't come and they are late so have to knock it down. so early in the morning got punished already. haizzz. then water parade. have to drink at least 500ml of water. was told our groups. split into groups. saw our clue. it's at ajc and we are climbing the rock wall there. took quite a long time to think of a cheer and group name and the cheer and the group name is really stupid.
first stop. set off for ajc. saw the rock wall. it's 3storeys high. they told us to wear our harness and my nose bleed. first casulty for the day. lolx. the graduates are nice. there's even one, kayjoo mdm, which don't look like a hpt but it's nice to have her in hpt. climbed the rock wall. it looks easy but when you actually go and climb it's hard. i managed to climb at least 3m of the ground. came down, my fingers are swollen and one of it has a skin a little peeled off and it's painful.
next stop. lower pierce reservior. we need to carry someone on a stretcher all the way from school to the reservior and they told us the fastest way is to walk. so we happily took their instructions and we walked. walked passed coffee shops and the uncles and aunties are wondering what we are doing. lolx. so we walked and walked and walked for a very long time. when we thought we are reaching, we are not. we are only halfway there but they keep on saying that we are reaching. reached the outside of lower pierce reservior and was asked to walk further down. we walked like 2busstops away then realised we walked wrongly. need wenjie sir to guide us there. it's like afternoon already and the sun is so hot and we walked don't know how many kilometres from school to the reservior so we were all tired. had water parade then pumpings.
had lunch at a foodcourt at upper thomson. then headed down to west coast. took bus to amk mrt thn take to clementi then take bus then walk. walk halfway. people say that we got cheated again or something. need to walk very far from the bus stop. reached there water parade again.
was told to find 700 puzzle piece around the playground. don't know which person go and stick the puzzle piece so high up. only monkey can take it. then there's 2little boys climbing the thing where the puzzle pieces are stick on. so ask them to help us. in the end, they take don't give us. the dad tried to ask him to give and he gave us one and go and take another. the dad also very nice. tell us where to find a puzzle piece, which was taken by the guy but it fell to the ground. so it's mine. haha. went to tell samantha about the boys. then a lot of people went to try and get a puzzle piece from him. giving him sweets does not work and just nice. samantha saw the boy's leg got blister, then help him put plaster then i go and take while he didn't notice. lolx. didn't manage to fix the puzzle pieces together and we overshot the time limit given - 1hr 45mins. we got tricked by them again. there's only 256 puzzle piece and they told us 700 and we happily believe them. how stupid of us.
took at bus to jurong east mrt and i slept on the bus. haha. this route at least saves us from walking so much but we didn't know. reached school the last. showed the rest our cheer. they laughed, cause it's stupid and we are proud of it. haha. ks say that she is quiting hpt. how sad. she also didn't want to come today but since she promised me so she came. actually she can don't come today cause i only see her before the amazing race start and when it ends. so it didn't make such a difference but having someone accompany you home is such a nice feeling.
after such a tiring day, i'm glad that i'm still alive.
took some photos. will upload it soon.
8:44 pm
Friday, September 08, 2006
i came online in the morning. i broke my promise and ks caught me. i said yesterday night that i wouldn't come online today so that i can study.
i studied chinese in the afternoon. practice piano in the morning and woke me sis up. haha. at least i did finish the chinese workbook before i came online again.
watched 'HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL - DANCE-A-LONG' it's like so cool lah. but i missed 15mins of the starting. they teach the dance steps for the 'we're all in this togther'. it's a little COMPLICATED!!! it a nice show. can go youtube and watch. haha.
i got my packlist for tomorrow kinda ready but haven't pack them yet. shall do them tomorrow morning. hope it will be FUN tomorrow. =)
9:46 pm
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
just some random post.
i owed 40pumpings to
justina. shouldn't be so happy about it cause she isn't either. she hate pumping people and i'm the 1st one. will not tell you the reason. haha.
been sleeping really late this few days and most of the time, i always stay up to talk to justina. she's nice to talk to and i know a lot of interesting things about her. she also got
6/25 [24] for her common test last year. same as me. haha. such a coincident.
i'm starting to like justina even more. i really wonder why. she's nice ok?
11:12 pm
this is really so not my day.
so i slept at 12.30am in the morning cause i was busy talking to justina. woke up tired but i can't sleep. haizz. no choice. used the computer. talked on msn. this is what makes me have moodswing. it's not your fault ws, it's just my brain going haywire. at least she said things which made me think a
little lot.
slept in the afternoon again. woke up still tired. i have insomia that's why. no matter how much i sleep will still be tired.
talked on msn again. recieved some disheartening news. i know it wouldn't last. he wouldn't care. so why suffer so much? have a little moodswing. at least ks was there. made me feel so much better. then sinyi told me a good news. that band exchange is POSTPONED!! so i can go for hpt this sat in peace. there's good and bad. who cares anyway.
9:15 pm
reached school 5mins earlier than monday cause i stupidly ran for a bus when i have still have plenty of time to spare. wonder what was i thinking then. haha. there's 2other buses which is able to bring me to school and i have to ran for that one. lolx.
finally there's a clock in the bandroom. so don't need to always ask people what's the time. so justina marked attendace at 9am sharp. youqin was 5secs late and he was considered late. lolx. had warm-ups for 2hrs. it gets really boring and it only makes your mouth pain from all that blowing. then had an early and long lunch. from 11.30 till 1. lolx. wanted to eat only at 12 but ws ask me to accompany her and so i did. i'm nice. so ate with ws elias jacob. i was like talking non-stop and jacob keep on asking if i have a mute button. lolx. i'm really noisy talking all that crap.
went back and ks waited for me just for my money. yeah i owe her 20bucks and i gave her 10bucks. that reminds me. lyc still owes me
20 bucks. went back and practise a little before mrtan comes back again.
song of the prairie is what we keep on playing and playing. getting really sick of it but i still don't know how to play everything yet especially from bar129-131. can't get the rhythm right. then was hidamari. i played lottas wrong notes too. darm. something's wrong with me today lah.
had 30mins before band ends and was asked to sightread a piece joseph janelle kandace chosen. they chose 'prince of eygpt'. played a little and was totally lost. then reach the part where i know how to play then don't want to continue already. so bad loh. that proves that my sight reading is still not very good. than have discussion for farewell function until 4.45. can't stay back to polish instrument cause they say must evacuate school by 5pm. even then, i'm not coming on sat. i would rather do pumpings then miss hpt. haha.
7:23 pm
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
7 random facts about me:
1. i think slower then normal people.
2. when i get excited, i won't be able to sleep even if i'm tired.
3. i'm lame and retarded.
4. i love to blog but sometimes just run out of things to blog.
5. i must listen to music when i use the computer.
6. i don't play internet games.
7. i reject people more then people reject me.
7 things that scare me:
1. guys fighting
2. cockroaches
3. loud music suddenly blasting
4. moodswings
5. death [losing your loved ones is scary]
6. tell-offs
7. BOO!
7 bad habits:
1. blogging almost all the time.
2. using the computer just to see if he's online.
3. not doing my homework if i hate them.
4. nudging people if they don't reply.
5. laming away.
6. laziness.
7. complaining about almost everything.
2:04 pm
Monday, September 04, 2006
Like always...i would start the post wif FRB...
here comes
1:Chang Zhi Kai(Best buddy+dota friend+soccer friend)
2:Yang Hui Jie(standard 1 lah)
3:Chung Si Yang(choir friend)
4:Wilson Yeo(choir friend)
5:Kuek Jing(choir friend)
6:Ng Jun Hao(choir friend)
7:Tay Gan Wei(choir friend+classmate)
8:Leon Wee(classmate)
9:Raymond Wong(Buddy+dota friend)
10:Lim Ming Yan(Buddy+dota friend)
Male:Casey Ong(for wanting us to siam)
Female:Julia loh(AGAIN like always)
Monday...cheated my brother for the com password...AGAIN
but din get much anyway had to go for choir anyway...
was late although not really late due the 15min grace period that miss yee(our conductor)
always giv good...but still late haiz..
den later had to practice and song named 'fum,fum,fum'
its suppose to be like a guitar being strum but it doesnt sound like it dunno y leh
and than suay suay there was there 1 note that couldnt reachand THEN miss yee found out that smth is amiss
so i suay suay got found out lor...den got sorta promoted...
although my voice is not that deep yet so is it a good news?
so good wilson brought a SOCCER ball(dun get the wrong idea)
due to v good response miss yee let us off and we got our sing out tickets....
so we all v enthu boys choing to the soccer field and play haha
and den due to the early dissmissal julia also v free den come annoy us...arghhhh
another bad thing happen is the NPCC come snatch court from us
as if they v big like that leh
den casey come act big call us choir to siam
heng we not gangster arh
or not sure big fight lor
den in the end they still back off(which is like so stupid)
wan back off den dun even start in the 1st place lah...
went home and rain rain rain rain rain rain
make me wan to sleep so much den end up sleeping at early
9:53 pm
1. Male friend: lyc [you should be honoured]=)
2. Female friend: sr [there's no other friend like you]=)
3. Vacation: SINGAPORE [that's the place i spend most of my holidays]
1. Time of the day: at night when i can't sleep and i'm really tired
2. Day of the week: when i'm bored dead at home
3. Food: anything that i don't like to eat
4. Memory: no memory is worst. they are all good.
1. Person you saw at school/work: ks
2. Talked to on the phone: ws [that was last night]
3. Person who Instant Messaged: ks
1. What are you doing now: doing this quiz & listening to music
2. Wearing: pe-t &amp; home shorts
3. Better than yesterday?: yeah. hpt just rocks.
1. Is: a day of rotting at home
2. Got any plans: stay at home and rot
3. Goal: rot till i disappear.
1. Number/s: 4,5,7
2. Song/s: start of something new & a moment like this
1. Missing someone: yeah
2. Mood: tired
3. Wanting: to sleep
I am a morning person: more of a night person
I am a perfectionist: can't say that
I am an only child: i have a brother and a sister.
I am currently in my pajamas: i wish i am but i'm not.
I am currently pregnant: i can't be cause no one made me pregnant.
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: my heart is always broken. someone fix it back for me.
I am left handed: i wish i'm both-handed.
!I am addicted to friendster: my account is rotting just like me.
I am online 24/7: the computer will explode like this
I am very shy around the opposite gender: i'm shy around everyone i don't know lah.
I currently have a crush on someone: yeah.
When I get mad I curse frequently: the most vulgar word i ever said is 'asshole' so what do you think?
I enjoy country music: don't think i heard them before.
I enjoy smoothies: don't really know what is it.
I enjoy talking on the phone: depends
I have a hard time paying attention at school/work: don't think so.
I have a hidden talent: yeah. that's evaporating.
I have a lot to learn: obviously
I have all my grandparents: i only have 1left.
I have at least one brother and/or sister: i have both. how sad.
I have been told that I am smart: i have been total that i'm clever but smart, maybe never. lolx.
3:33 pm
had to wake up so early. 7plus is early for a holiday. went out at 7.50am. so just try my best to kill time or else i will reach school darm early. took a bus there instead of mrt but still reach at 8.30am. the bandroom was already opened. justina was there. haha. because of me she came early. nice. practise a little. my high notes all sound so weird. not enough air supoort.
had sectionals at the parade square. taught rayner a little before ks come and i left at 9.45am. changed and waited at the canteen. only 8people came today. practise on belaying. the graduates who came down today were not that fierce as compared to saturday. never really got scolded a lot but still have. i do until my arms are aching. ks learnt too. but she starting a bit blur. need me to help her but when i help her i got scolded so can't help loh. then got once i'm belaying then ks is the rope person. she make the rope so tight until i have to use my strength to pull. make me more tired.
today they are also more slack. one mistake owe 2pumpings. sat was 5. then only let us do half of the amount we owe. they are all so nice. i'm looking forward to saturday. will be doing real belaying. hope my arms recover by then.
ks, you must come on saturday. remember the promise you made.
2:43 pm
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
How are you feeling today? [Beautiful Disaster - Kelly Clarkson]
i'm feeling beautiful but nothing is a disaster.
Will you get far in life? [Addicted - Kelly Clarkson]
i will get addicted to life. lolx.
How do your friends see you? [Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson]
my friends want to breakaway from me. just kidding.
Will you get married? [Tong Hua - Guang Liang]
tonghua means fairytale, which means that i will only get married in a fairytale. who cares.
What your best friend's theme song? [You Found Me - Kelly Clarkson]
if you like that song too means you are my best friend but if you don't like it you are still my friend. lolx.
What is the story of your life? [Bad Day - Daniel Powter]
my life is mostly bad days. someone make it good for me.
What was high school like? [Start Of Something New - High School Musical]
high school was a start of something new. everythings new. how sad.
How can you get ahead in life? [Kiss Goodbye - Wang Lee Hom]
by kissing goodbye?? lolx. don't want to break so many hearts.
What is the best thing about your friends? [Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson]
their hazel eyes. too bad none of my friends have hazel eyes.
What is in store for this weekend? [What I've Been Looking For - High School Musical]
what i've been looking for this weekend is this sat. hpt rocks!
What song describes you? [We're All In This Together - High School Musical]
i like the togtherness spirit by the hpts. lolx. it doesn't describe me much but who cares?
To describe your grandparents? [Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson]
because of them i'm here. lolx.
that is just to keep me occupied for the time being. try it if u like.
2:14 pm
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Pick the month you were born:
January----- I kicked
February----- I loved
March----- I smoked
April----- I dry humped
May----- I choked on
June----- I murdered
July----- I did the Macarena withAugust-----I had lunch with
September----- I danced with
October----- I sang to
November----- I yelled at
December----- I ran over
Pick the day(number) you were born on:
1----- a birdbath
2----- a monster
3----- a phone
4----- a fork
5----- a Mexican6----- a gangster
7----- my cell phone
8----- my dog
9----- my bestfriend's boyfriend
10----- my neighbour
11----- my science teacher
12----- a banana
13----- a fireman
14----- a stuffed animal
15----- a goat
16----- a pickle
17----- your mom
18----- a spoon
19----- myself
20----- a baseball bat
21----- a ninja
22----- a model
23----- a noodle
24----- a squirrel
25----- a football player
26----- my sister
27----- my brother
28----- an ipod
29----- a permanent marker
30----- a Ilama
31----- a homeless guy
Pick the colour of shirt you are wearing:
White----- because I'm cool like that.
Black----- because that's how I roll.
Pink----- because I'm NOT a homosexual.Red----- because the voices told me to do so.
Blue----- because I'm sexy and I do what I want.
Green----- because I hate myself
Purple----- because I'm cool.
Gray----- because I was drunk
Yellow----- because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars.
Orange----- because I hate my family
Brown----- because I was high
Other----- because I'm a ninja
None----- because I can't control myself.
Now, type out the sentence you make and pass it on!
I did the Macarena with a Mexican because I'm NOT a homosexual.
it's so darm lame and retarded but i still did it, which means that i'm lame and retarded. anyway, try it. haha.
3:03 pm
i seem to always wake up very early on saturdays and sundays. maybe is used to it already. everytime wake up 7.30am. lolx. went back to sleep on sundays what get up on saturdays. next saturday won't be the same. gonna reach school at 7am so needa wake up at 5.45am. oh crap. ks is coming to. so i will
pon not come for band next saturday.
went for piano lesson alone. my dad lent me his other phone so i can call him to bring me home after the lesson. i reached darm early. lesson supposed to start at 10.30 but i came at 10.15. lolx. teacher was shocked when i tell her that i played my scales badly for exam. then played a few songs. did a bit of theory. teacher photocopied for me a song that's like 6pages. listened to the song. it's not really that nice but will be learning it next week. need to learn how to appreciate what is music.
i know how to do the 'yeepeeyaya' thing the hpt graduates taught us yesterday. what they call the combo cause need to do with both hands and both hands is do different action. so it's really challenging but i managed to do it slowly. haha.
1:33 pm
Saturday, September 02, 2006
went for band in the morning. saw the hpt people outside the bandroom make me feel kinda envious but i have made up my decision. had sectionals with mr tan. i was switched to play 1st clarinet. it wouldn't have happened if i have went for hpt and not gone for band. struggled a bit at the beginning. need to get use to playing high notes all the time and fast. i don't really mind mr tan taking us for sectionals. it's kinda nice though and for combines to. it's really retarded. we were asked to go for sectionals while mr tan take the trumpets. went out. barely for 5mins and were asked to go back and have combines. =_=
went to change in the trackpants that julialo lent me. found out that it's too small. so went to look for the councillor. pass her my consent form and told her i have no trackpants. after a while she told me she's going to help me to borrow from other people. so sca has an extra and she lent it to me. was in the same group as sca and jiyeon and other people.
learnt belaying. at least i sorta missed out the boring part. that's on knots. it's kinda tough though. must learn how to wear the harness, then must remember all names of 2 other equipment which i happily forgotten. was in a team with 5other people. don't really know them but they all look quite friendly. so it's ok. the rules are strict. can't step on the rope or any other equipment or else owe 5pumpings. belaying is tough. i thought it was easy and i know the 4steps to belay but when it's my turn i'm like so blur. got a lot of scolding and pumpings too. we owed 50 but they only ask us to do 25. that's good. i especially hate being to rope manager, that's to keep the rope or give out rope. really irritating. cause the person will pull the rope to belay, then become got more rope. want to keep then the person pull again. so can't keep. needa hold it until there's a lot of extra then can keep. at least it's easier than the belayer. lolx.
then have test on it. see how the other group suffer makes us all so pressurised. it's sorta stressful. the graduate hpt is nice. got test by her. i think i do wrong a number of things but never really scold. there's one point where i have no strength to pull the rope anymore. then trying darm hard to pull. haizzz. tiring. so will be coming back on monday to practice my belaying skills. i belay people, the person or we both will die. so it's really bad. was released only at 5.45pm. oh crap. then heard the instructor say that they never ended on time before. lolx. i'm tired from all the belaying but i want to do more. =)
my wrist is like so darm pain now. should be cause of the belaying thing and all the pumpings i have done and from band. haizzz.
-thanks for your support. i couldn't have done it without you(:
7:55 pm
Friday, September 01, 2006
my day started out good, but all hope was lost when i heard ks's sorta bad news. was really disheartened but knowing how bad she is also feeling makes me not be so hard on her. at least she tried.
so i frantically ask around. in no avail. but i know that there's bound to be hope somewhere and a kind soul will be able to me his/her trackpants. before i take an afternoon nap, ks told me she would try again. she's nice. woke up from my nap to receive a phone call - another bad news.
at least there's still the night. called rayner. he said he has but not confirmed yet. so before he tell me anything bad i went to ask julialo. she so made my day. she's bringing tomorrow for me. my juniors are nice.
it makes my day seemed like a fairytale. where all was bad and ended up so nicely. at least i can happily go for band and my training too. the councilor is understand.
8:19 pm
What if I told you it was all meant to be?
Would you believe me, would you agree?
Its almost that feeling that we've met before so tell me that you
dont think Im crazy when I tell your love is here and now.
A Moment like this.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
Some people search forever for that one special kiss.
I cant believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
Everything changes, but beauty remains.
Something so tender I cant explain.
Well I may be dreaming but til I awake..
Can we make the dream last forever?
And I'll cherish all the love we share for a moment like this.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
Some people search forever for that one special kiss.
I cant believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
The speed of waiting love of all.
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall
.So let me tell you this.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this...
Some people search a lifetime for a moment like this.
Some people search forever for that one special kiss.
I cant believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
12:43 pm
teachers day holiday. so i took this opportunity sleep a little longer, while some people wake up so early just to use the com? weird people.
talked to ks for quite long yesterday night. feels like it's the longest we ever talked on msn. usually is only 'haha' or 'lolx' then nothing. this time is really words and words. and she will try to help me buy trackpants. how nice of her. but if she's not able to get it i also won't scold her. i'm hoping for the best. =)
i'm like so looking forward to tomorrow's hpt training even if it means missing band. the best thing is, ks is going to make it really enjoyable for me. how can my day end any nicer then this?
LOVE YOU girl <3s
10:56 am